Uncovering Truth, Shaping Justice

Certified Legal Nurse Consulting Services in Windermere

Owellen Wright Legal Nurse Consulting, LLC, is your premier destination for exceptional expertise and unwavering dedication in the realm of legal support. Based in Windermere FL, our certified legal nurse consulting business, led by Kathryn O. Wright, BSN, RN, CNOR, CVOR, CRNFA, and CLNC, brings over 30 years of invaluable experience to the table. As a highly accomplished Registered Nurse specializing in Certified RN First Assist in Surgery, complemented by 15 years of financial advisory background, Kathryn's unique skill set offers a wealth of knowledge and a fresh perspective in the legal field.

Driven by a commitment to excellence, we are analytical, results-oriented, and critical thinkers, well-equipped to unearth pivotal details and results often overlooked by others. Our penchant for thinking outside the box enables us to consider specificities that may not be immediately apparent, providing you with an edge in crafting compelling legal strategies.

We proudly offer a comprehensive suite of services, encompassing meticulous medical case screening, detailed medical legal reports, thorough review and analysis of medical records, skillful development of deposition questions, and exhaustive medical and nursing literature searches. Our unwavering focus on professionalism and efficiency ensures that we deliver the most informative and well-supported solutions tailored to your unique legal needs.

Our unique and specialized services offer attorneys the insights and expert opinions they need to build successful litigation cases. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality services and getting results for attorneys and their clients. If you have any questions about the services of the company or would like to discuss how an evaluation or report from Owellen Wright Legal Nurse Consulting can help your case, please reach out. We’d love to discuss how we can help you achieve your goals in the legal system.

When you partner with us, you gain an unwavering ally, ready to navigate the complexities of your cases with precision and tenacity. Take the crucial step towards a stronger and more successful legal strategy today by reaching out to us at (720) 968-0440. Let us empower your legal endeavors with unparalleled support.
